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Inspiring Solutions extras (2022)

Write <> for solutions and teacher's guide.

1. Butterfly's Treesit audio

IS 1.1
00:00 / 00:10
IS 1.2
00:00 / 00:13
IS 1.3
00:00 / 00:09
IS 1.4
00:00 / 00:11
IS 1.5
00:00 / 00:11
CBE IS 3.7 luna 80% march 2015
00:00 / 00:57

2. Materialism audio

IS 2.1
00:00 / 00:10
IS 2.2
00:00 / 00:08
IS 2.3
00:00 / 00:11
IS 2.4
00:00 / 00:09
IS 2.5
00:00 / 00:10
IS 2.6
00:00 / 00:08
CBE IS 1.7 survival 80% march 2014
00:00 / 01:12

3. Resources audio

IS 3.1
00:00 / 00:11
IS 3.2
00:00 / 00:08
IS 3.3
00:00 / 00:09
IS 3.4
00:00 / 00:08
IS 3.5
00:00 / 00:09
IS 3.6
00:00 / 00:07
3. IS carbon footie
00:00 / 01:29

4. Microloans

IS 4.1
00:00 / 00:10
IS 4.2
00:00 / 00:09
IS 4.3
00:00 / 00:07
IS 4.4
00:00 / 00:11
IS 4.5
00:00 / 00:12
IS 4.6
00:00 / 00:11
4. IIS kiva edited feb 2014
00:00 / 01:10

5. Giving Away Gardens

IS 5.1
00:00 / 00:09
IS 5.2
00:00 / 00:09
IS 5.3
00:00 / 00:10
IS 5.4
00:00 / 00:09
IS 5.5
00:00 / 00:08
IS 5.6
00:00 / 00:05
00:00 / 00:55

6. UNICEF's Goodwill Ambassador

IS 6.1
00:00 / 00:14
IS 6.2
00:00 / 00:14
IS 6.3
00:00 / 00:11
IS 6.4
00:00 / 00:14
IS 6.5
00:00 / 00:10
IS 6.6
00:00 / 00:08
00:00 / 01:04

11. Landmines

IS 11.1
00:00 / 00:10
IS 11.2
00:00 / 00:09
IS 11.3
00:00 / 00:12
IS 11.4
00:00 / 00:14
IS 11.5
00:00 / 00:13
IS 11.6
00:00 / 00:09

Download Chris Moon authentic listening

12. BNB

7. House Hermits

IS 7.1
00:00 / 00:10
IS 7.2
00:00 / 00:06
IS 7.3
00:00 / 00:12
IS 7.4
00:00 / 00:12
IS 7.5
00:00 / 00:08
IS 7.6
00:00 / 00:12

Download Hikkikomori authentic listening

IS 12.1
00:00 / 00:10
IS 12.2
00:00 / 00:13
IS 12.3
00:00 / 00:09
IS 12.4
00:00 / 00:09
IS 12.5
00:00 / 00:12
IS 12.6
00:00 / 00:13
12. BNB feb 2014
00:00 / 00:40

8. FGM

IS 8.1
00:00 / 00:13
IS 8.2
00:00 / 00:12
IS 8.3
00:00 / 00:11
IS 8.4
00:00 / 00:11
IS 8.5
00:00 / 00:10
IS 8.6
00:00 / 00:11
8. FGM edited feb 2014
00:00 / 01:45

13. Media

IS 13.1
00:00 / 00:11
IS 13.2
00:00 / 00:11
IS 13.3
00:00 / 00:11
IS 13.4
00:00 / 00:11
IS 13.5
00:00 / 00:12
IS 13.6
00:00 / 00:16

Download media authentic listening

14. Transparency

9. Prisons

IS 9.1
00:00 / 00:10
IS 9.2
00:00 / 00:11
IS 9.3
00:00 / 00:10
IS 9.4
00:00 / 00:09
IS 14.6
00:00 / 00:15
IS 14.5
00:00 / 00:15
IS 14.4
00:00 / 00:14
IS 14.3
00:00 / 00:12
IS 14.2
00:00 / 00:15
IS 14.1
00:00 / 00:11
IS 9.5
00:00 / 00:09
IS 9.6
00:00 / 00:09
CBE IS 9.7 LEVEL 2 fuchu prison
00:00 / 01:20
15. snowden
00:00 / 01:22

15. Education

10. Heroes

IS 10.1
00:00 / 00:12
IS 10.2
00:00 / 00:15
IS 15.1
00:00 / 00:12
IS 10.3
00:00 / 00:13
IS 10.4
00:00 / 00:12
IS 10.5
00:00 / 00:11
IS 10.6
00:00 / 00:11
10. sugihara edited feb 2014
00:00 / 00:46

Download Kielburnger authentic listening

IS 15.6
00:00 / 00:16
IS 15.5
00:00 / 00:13
IS 15.4
00:00 / 00:11
IS 15.3
00:00 / 00:12
IS 15.2
00:00 / 00:10
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