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Content-based English

“John Spiri’s content-based series are extremely inspiring for teachers as well as students and they are easy to use! But most importantly they touch the heart of humanity with critical thinking and guide us toward more awareness and action for a better world. This is value-added English teaching. When I grow up (again) I want to be like John Spiri.” 

Tim Murphey, professor, writer, humanitarian. 

Global Issues Series

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Global Stories, first published in 2003, launched Global Stories Press. Global Stories introduces some of the world's most pressing problems. It is the lower level of the two texts. Inspiring Solutions focuses on solutions: extraordinary people and organizations working for peace and justice. 

Culture Series

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Each chapter in the Around the World series features a different country, 45 countries in all. Units are based on a continent: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South America, and each unit contains at least two chapters. Thus, these textbooks are truly global! The main activity is a dictation describing the country's culture, customs, cuisine, or other factual information. Students build a country map and locate it on a world map. Country data is learned in an information gap activity. This series truly embraces all of the world's countries and peoples.




beginner book audio





Middle East

Island countries


book one audio




North America

South America


book two



Academic Series

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The academic series provides students a brief introduction to university subjects and topics typically found at a university. The topical readings and dictation activities inspire students to love learning. Students learn English while focusing on fascinating facts about academic subjects.

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